Package Design

Spectrum line packaging by Bachmann Industries.
Bachmann tries to break out of the past and modernize the look of their premium Spectrum line of products. The cool, modern feel of this design is in direct contrast to the often hokey, over designed look of a lot of model railroad products. I was the creative director on this project from concept to execution.

The third piece was a special in-store display/package for Sam's Club. This display measures in at over four feet long!

Lutron Electronics In-Store Displays and Planograms.
As a senior designer at Lutron Electronics, our team was responsible for the many intricate signs and graphics on these planograms and in-store displays. In addition to this, we were also responsible for the design of all dimmer-related packaging including the "clam shell" packages in the pictures below.

Auto-Reversing E-Z Track by Bachmann Industries.
Bachmann tries to break out of the past and modernize the look of their innovative E-Z Track. The cool, minimal feel of this design is in direct contrast to the often hokey, over designed look of a lot of model railroad products. I was the creative director on this project from concept to execution.